This feature is only available on the Pro or above plan.
Folder Security gives OptiSigns Account Admins more options in controls and manages permissions for their users and contents.
Folder Security works on any folders you have in Screens, Files/Assets, Playlists, or Schedule Tabs.
Once Folder Security is activated on your account. You can set Security for any Folders and restrict who can access them by clicking the ... button on the folder and clicking Change Permission.
Here's how it works in detail:
- Security Permission can be set in any Folder: Screens, Files/Assets, Playlists, or Schedule.
- All Owners and admins can see all folders, only Users are restricted.
- If you have folders, and content before activating the Folder Security feature; right after the feature is activated, all users still can see all folders. You can then tighten security by setting security for the folders you want to set.
- Security Permission cannot be set at the asset level.
- When creating a folder, there's an Advanced option to set security (select users that can access this new folder).
- Default New Folder at Home/Root folder: all users can see. (You can change permission when created or any time after that).
- Default New Folder at a subfolder: inherit from the parent. (You can change permission when created or any time after that).
- For Users, there's a “Share with me” folder button that users can quickly access folders shared with them.
- Playlist:
- If a playlist has assets from multiple folders, and the user only has access to one of those folders. In this case, a user can only see part of the whole playlist, with assets/playlists that he can see. Total Duration will show the real total duration of the playlist (including items users cannot see)
- We display a warning for users to know that there are assets on the playlist that they do not have access to so they cannot see on the playlist: “There are items in this playlist that you do not have access to.”
- Schedule:
- If there are playlists, and assets scheduled and users cannot see. The schedule shows a grey area (unavailable to be selected) section and displays “not accessible items” instead of the name of the playlist or asset
- There's a warning message: “There are items in this schedule that you do not have access to.”
IMPORTANT NOTE: Shared with my concept, if there's a folder shared with users, there will be a "Shared with me" button in the corresponding Screens, Files/Assets, Playlist, or Schedule tab. Users can click on this button to access the folders shared with them.
This is particularly useful if users share a folder that they do not have access to its parent folder.
For example, the user is given access to /Folder123/FolderABC, but not given access to /Folder123 itself.
User can still see FolderABC in their "Shared with me" section.
This is the same concept as how popular cloud files like Google Drive work.
If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at