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How to use livestream.com app

You can broadcast your live events with livestream.com to your OptiSigns digital signs screens.

With livestream.com you can even create your event ahead of time, then schedule it to play with OptiSigns.


Let's jump in and get started:

First, you will need to have your screens set up and paired. For more information on how to do that, click here.

Then log on to our portal: http://app.optisigns.com/

Go to Files/Assets, Click on "App" and add Instagram on your Account.


Click search for and click Livestream.com

Give your app a name, this is just for organizing your assets, it will not show up on your screens.

And the URL of your livestream.com event.


To get URL of your livestream.com event go to your event.


Click the Share button

If you need some live streams to test, you can pick a public one here: https://livestream.com/watch

Click Copy to copy the link

Then paste in the URL field of the Livestream.com app in OptiSigns.

Click Save.


That's all! Congratulation!

You have created your Livestream.com app.

After Saving, if the event is already live, you can just assign it to your screens to start playing.
If your event is scheduled, you can use our schedule feature to schedule the event to go live on your screens.

If you have any additional questions, concerns or any feedback about OptiSigns, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@optisigns.com