
In this guide, we will take you through the end-to-end process of installing the OptiSigns Digital Signage App on your Windows PC and assigning a playlist to it.

Here are the high-level steps:

1) Download and Set up the OptiSigns Digital Signage App on your PC.

2) Using OptiSigns's web portal to assign content and manage your screens

Now, let's get started

1) Download and set up OptiSigns Digital Signage App on your PC.

OptiSigns supports Windows 7, 8, 10. 32bit and 64bit.

To install a download App here.

Once downloaded. Right-click and select "Run as Administrator"

The app will run in full-screen mode, and generate a pairing code for you to pair with the portal.

You can also move the mouse around and see the top 3 buttons to resize, open the sidebar menu, or close the app.

On the side menu, you can set Orientation, etc. The app has Autostart and Fullscreen on Startup checked as default.

So now, the next time the PC starts up, it will run the OptiSigns app automatically.

You now can go to our portal at: to pair the screen.

Once you log in, click "Add screen" button.

In this pop-up, type in the Pair Code showing up on the OptiSigns App. Then click Pair.

The Optisigns App will change to:

Now you are ready to upload and assign content.

2) Using Optisigns' Web portal to assign content and manage your screens.

Once you go to our portal at: to pair the screen and start assigning content to it, you can follow these guides for more detailed steps:

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